Reinvent the wheel


The StatefulWidget trait works good enough for building widgets, it's well known and my own ideas where not sufficiently better so I kept that one.

All the widgets work just as plain StatefulWidgets. This effort lead to the rat-widget crate.

Or see the introduction in widget chapter.

Application code

For the application code StatefulWidget is clearly missing, but I kept the split-widget concept and there are two traits

  • AppWidget

    • Keeps the structure of StatefulWidget, just adds a RenderContext.
  • AppState The state is the persistent half of every widget, so this one gets all the event-handling.

    There are functions for application life-cycle and and event() that is called for every application event.

    • I currently have a driver for crossterm events, but this can easily be replaced with something else.


run_tui implements the event-loop and drives the application.

  • Polls all event-sources and ensures fairness for all events.
  • Renders on demand.
  • Maintains the background worker threads.
  • Maintains the timers.
  • Distributes application events.
  • Initializes the terminal and ensure clean shutdown even when panics occur.

All of this is orchestrated with the Control enum.